The Telos Channel

The Check-in: Advent in the South


It’s the holiday season! For most of us, that means the storm before the calm. So this week, we invited Telos co-founder Todd Deatherage on the call to help us slow down, reflect, and look back on some of the wins of the past few months. 

One way we did this was to discuss the liturgical holiday of Advent, which Christians practice during the weeks leading up to Christmas as a season of waiting and expectation. Todd shares how he approaches Advent as a peacemaker, with an eye to the particular practices he focuses on during this season.

We also hear from both Todd and our newest team member, Frances, about recent trips Telos has taken to the US South. And as a special offering, we’re sharing with you the reflections of some of our recent alumni from one of these trips, who Practiced Peace by sharing their experiences with the folks in their community. 

Don’t forget - we’re in our end of year campaign and need your support! Donate to Telos before the end of the year. 

Read and share the Principles and Practices of Peacemaking

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