The Telos Channel
The Telos Channel, hosting the suite of Telos podcasts | Undaunted: In our divided and dangerous world, how can we choose peace? Join us on our journey to find answers, guided by radical peacemakers and their stories from the front-lines. When conflict seems intractable, these conversations give us the courage to choose a different way—a way of justice, healing, and hope. | The Check-in: an every-other-week deep dive into headlines from Israel/Palestine and across the world, where we wade into the complexity of seemingly intractable conflict to discover the power of peacemaking to heal us, our community and our world.
The Telos Channel
The Check-in: Updates and What's Next
** Since we recorded this podcast, we received the news that Israel and Hamas had reached a deal regarding a release of hostages and a 4-day ceasefire. Check out our Instagram for our response. As such, this conversation reflects a previous reality but includes helpful discussion we think is still worth sharing. **
40 days after October 7, what are realities on the ground for Israelis and Palestinians? What does the next day after a ceasefire look like? What else can we do to support not just an end to the bloodshed, but a transformation of the deeper issues that keep the region from a true and lasting peace?
The Telos team gets together to discuss.
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