The Telos Channel
The Telos Channel, hosting the suite of Telos podcasts | Undaunted: In our divided and dangerous world, how can we choose peace? Join us on our journey to find answers, guided by radical peacemakers and their stories from the front-lines. When conflict seems intractable, these conversations give us the courage to choose a different way—a way of justice, healing, and hope. | The Check-in: an every-other-week deep dive into headlines from Israel/Palestine and across the world, where we wade into the complexity of seemingly intractable conflict to discover the power of peacemaking to heal us, our community and our world.
The Telos Channel
The Learning Corps: Beating Guns (Gun Violence in America, 1)
What will it take to address gun violence in America, and what might peacemaking have to say about it? These next few weeks, as we close out Gun Violence Prevention Month this June, we’re taking some time to hear from the visionary peacemakers addressing the issue in creative, imaginative ways.
Our first guest is Mike Martin, the Founder and Executive Director of RAW Tools. RAW Tools turns guns into garden tools (and other lovely things), resourcing communities with nonviolent confrontation skills in an effort to turn stories of violence into stories of creation. As they say it, they disarm hearts to forge peace. Mike is also the co-author of Beating Guns with Shane Claiborne, which discusses how our nation, and especially communities of Christian peacemakers, can transform the violence of guns into healing, generation, and life.
While this conversation was recorded over a year ago, we felt the time was finally right to share, and we didn’t want to sit on it any longer. This conversation is rich with policy analysis, theological framing, and personal stories, and we think you’ll be powerfully inspired by it.
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Read “Beating Guns: Hope for a People Who Are Weary of Violence”